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Thursday, May 04, 2006


So around 8:40ish this morning, Crystal and I were in the kitchen fixing our breakfast when all of a sudden she yells at me SHUT THE DOOR! She was talking about the door that led to the kitchen. I was confused, I had no idea what in the world was going on and then she yelled BIRD. I looked up to see this thing going crazy in our front living room. Next thing I know its chasing me throughout the house, it also went after Crystal. After we locked ourselves in my bedroom Crystal remembered that she had left the stove on, so she snuck out to find a BAT on the curtain in the living room. Yes, you read right, a BAT!!!!!!!!!!! If they are outside they don't bother me. Have you seen those things fly? They are fast, especially when they are CHASING YOU and coming at your head. So we finally got someone from her work (Thank you Jake!) to come and get rid of the bat. I hope you are all smiling and having a wonderful day....PS I am sleeping with my door shut tonight!

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